Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Biggest Excuses not to Exercise

You need to exercise. You must to do it for good health and you must do it regularly. There are dozens of excuses why you can't, but for each one of them there is a better reason why you should. The following are the top five excuses for not getting fit and tips on how to overcome them.

Excuse #1 - I Have No Time to Exercise
Do you have twenty minutes? In twenty minutes you can walk around the block two or three times, you can do a bunch of crunches, or a few rounds of push-ups. It is understandable that you can't make it to the gym everyday due to time constraints but you certainly can find time to get moving.

Excuse #2 - I Can't Afford a Gym Membership
People were exercising for years before the gym came into existence. Walking or running are terrific exercises you can do for the cost of a good pair of shoes. Carry a few weights if you want to increase your difficulty level. Crunches, stretches, Pilates and other floor exercises can be done in your living room on a nice mat. If you absolutely require a gym, check out your local YMCA, almost all of them have geared to income gym memberships.

Excuse #3 - I Can't Exercise with a Newborn/Toddler
Sure, this is a challenge, but on a nice day you will both benefit from a brisk walk with the stroller. There are also classes popping up everywhere that teach you exercises you can do while wearing your baby. Check out for more information. Most gyms have a baby-sitting service for toddlers and pre-schoolers on site. If your gym has this, take advantage, it is great for you to work-out and a great opportunity for you little one to socialize.

Excuse #4 - I am Too Fat, Everyone Will Laugh at Me
That is simply not true. Most fit people will respect anyone trying to improve their health through exercising, and a person who makes fun or laughs isn't worth worrying about. That being said, if you are still uncomfortable working out at a gym, check out the many home workouts available. If money isn't a factor, buy a home gym or a treadmill or invest in some good work-out DVD's. You also might want to check on-line local ads to see if there is a personal trainer who will come to your home to develop a program especially for you.

Excuse #5 - It Hurts When I Exercise, So I Shouldn't Do It
Check with your doctor and make sure there is no underlying reason for your pain. The reason you are in pain is probably because you are doing exercises that are beyond your fitness level. If you have not been active for awhile you are better off starting with a beginner fitness level. Be honest with yourself and start slow. You are far better off doing a lighter work-out until you build up strength and endurance than doing one hard one and quitting.

We live such busy lives today but we must take the time to look after ourselves and a regular fitness program needs to be included in our schedules. So the next time you are searching your brain to come up with an excuse to avoid exercising, search a little bit harder to figure out how you are going to "just do it". You will feel better for it.

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