Thursday, February 14, 2013

How to Get your Neighbours Together

The community of the 1950's is long gone and we do not socialize with our neighbors as prior generations did. With busy work schedules, soccer practice and the Internet it is difficult to find time to turn the folks next door from neighbors into friends.  There are so many good reasons to get to know your neighbors better.  It is nice to have someone watch your house while you are away; to mow your lawn if you are ill, or simply to have someone from whom you can borrow a cup of sugar. Although the task may seem daunting, there are ways to reach out and start friendships that can last a lifetime. Try some of the following ideas to make your neighborhood more of a community. Do not be afraid to make the first move, both you and your neighbors will be glad you did.

Host a Barbecue
There are a number of ways to do this. If there is a central park in the neighborhood, you can set up barbecues there and do a pot luck. If your community allows it, you can block of your street and have the event out front or you can even have different courses served in different yards (eg. appetizers at the Jone's, dessert at the Johnson's). The best way to get the word out is to place invitations in everyone's mailbox and then follow-up a week later by going door to door. Do not worry about disturbing people. Neighbors are usually a welcome intrusion. Plus, going door to door will give you a chance to meet everyone personally, which is great for introducing people at the party.
The barbecue should be rather unstructured to give people a chance to talk, but games for the kids are a great idea. Perhaps each household could host one game. The Food Network has some terrific barbecue party ideas to get you started.

Band Together for a Cause
Whether it is to get the speed limit reduced on your street, have a park added to your community or establishing a Block Parent program there is nothing like a cause to bring folks together. We all want to live in the best neighborhood possible and it is a terrific opportunity to get everyone involved. The best approach is to talk to your neighbors door to door about the issue, then set a date and location for the meeting. Chances are you will form subcommittees to deal with different elements which is a super way for neighbors to become allies and then friends.
Once the issue is resolved, you can always find new ways to bring your community together. Both firefighters and police have neighborhood liaisons that talk to people on safety. You also can have your local city councilman come and speak about future plans for your area. There are always causes that can help knit residents together.

Host a "Spring Cleaning"
No matter where you live, early spring reveals the ravages of the winter. The trash that has been hidden under snow for months or branches that have fallen due to winter storms can make a neighborhood look dingy and depressed. Organizing a spring clean up is a fantastic way to get your lawns and streets in ship-shape and offers a chance to get to know your neighbors better. Arm your children with garbage and recycling bags and parents with chain-saws and ladders and prepare yourself for a day of fun, laughter, and good old-fashioned hard work. It is especially nice to help out elderly neighbors with tree trimming and gutter cleaning. Any money you make on recycled materials you can put towards next summer's barbecue.

A cohesive and friendly neighborhood is a great place to live. Knowing you can count on the people next door in an emergency is terrific. Nurture theses relationships and they will be there for you; to keep your spare key, to brew a coffee and listen to a problem, and of course to lend you that cup of sugar.

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