Wednesday, February 13, 2013

What are the Qualities of a Good Neighbor

Love thy Neighbor?

There are few other groups of people that can bring up such a range of mixed emotions. Friendly, bothersome, helpful, nosy - these are all words we can use to describe the people next door. You seldom have any choice with whom you will be sharing a lawn or driveway. You may end up with friends for life or you may end up building a big, tall fence to keep them on their side of the grass.

For the healthiest relationship with your neighbors follow:

The Ten Commandments for Being a Good Neighbor

1. Thou Shalt Not Borrow
Nothing comes between neighbors faster than a tool or appliance that is never returned or returned in less than fabulous condition. Try not to borrow from you neighbor and if you absolutely have to then make sure that the item is returned promptly and in perfect condition. The exception to this rule is a cup of sugar - no need to return that, it's what neighbors are for.

2. Thou Shalt Not Be Excessively Noisy
Do not mow your lawn before nine o'clock in the morning and don't blast your music after nine o'clock in the evening. If you are throwing a party and it might run late and noisy, make sure to inform your neighbors and invite them if you can.

3. Thou Shall Watch Thy Neighbor's House
Not when they are home of course but if you see something suspicious when they are out, call the police.

4. Thou Shalt Not Let Thy Guests Park in Thy Neighbor's Driveway
Have them park in your drive or on the street. If you must use your neighbor's drive make sure you ask first.

5. Thou Shall Invite Them Over For A Coffee or Beer
It is nice to socialize with your neighbors and it pays to keep up with what is happening on your block. Your neighbor may have information about the road being torn up or how much the Jones's paid for that new car.

6. Thou Shalt Not Let Thy Dog Crap on Thy Neighbor's Lawn
And if he does clean it up immediately. This goes for cats too.

7. Thou Shall Go the Extra Mile
Whether it is shovelling your next door neighbor's walk or mowing the elderly woman on the corner's grass, going the extra mile really pays off for keeping a neighborhood friendly.

8. Thou Shalt Not Yell at Thy Neighbor's Children for Playing on Your Lawn
Kids are kids and they are going to play wherever their games take them. If they are not being destructive, let them play happily on your lawn. You might even enjoy them.

9, Thou Shall Return Thy Neighbor's Mail Unopened
No one actually buys the "I thought it was mine because it was in my mailbox" excuse for reading mail delivered to their house in error, Just return it.

10. Thou Shalt Help Make Your Neighborhood a Community
Lives are so much busier today, we don't take the time to know our neighbors like past generations did and that is such a shame. Take the time to bring cookies to the newly moved in, or make a dinner for the sick, organize a block party or host a neighborhood meeting. It just takes one or two motivated people to create a community.

People truly underestimate the value of their neighbors. You see these people more often than you do most of your friends and family. Warm, respectful relationships with the gang next-door and across the street can add a special quality to your life that you were unaware you were missing. Good fences don't necessarily make good neighbors.

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