The tear-jerker of every wedding reception is the father-daughter dance. It is inherently sweet, the love of a father as he gives his baby girl to her new husband. Heart-warming and heart-breaking at the same time. Thank goodness the music industry has provided us with endless choices for the perfect song for this dance.
The following songs are all guaranteed to bring a smile and a tear to each guest at your reception. They are rated in order of the Tear Factor.
One Teardrop - Sweet Child of Mine
Whether you choose the Cheryl Crow version or the original Guns and Roses version, this song will get your Dad rockin' and the crowd laughing. A great choice if you don't take yourself too seriously.
Two Teardrops - Sunshine of My Life
"You are the sunshine of my life, that's why I'll always be around." What a beautiful sentiment. Lovely, traditional father-daughter dance song.
Three Teardrops - Circle Game
Joanie Mitchell breaks your heart with this one by describing a child growing to adulthood and how short and circular our lives are.
Four Teardrops - Lullaby
This song is a great choice because it is so fitting but not heard very often at weddings. Billy Joel doesn't get it wrong too often. If your relationship with your Dad is a little rocky you might want to try his other song Moving Out
Five Teardrops - Fragile Leaf
The deep soulful melody in this song is like melting into one of your Dad's best bear-hugs. It is by an indie artist, Shannon Bryant.
Six Teardrops - Teach Your Children Well
By Crosby, Stills and Nash, this gem expresses the importance of allowing your children to follow their dreams. It's about keeping them close while letting them go.
Seven Teardrops - To Sir With Love
Another unusual one, especially nice when the father is older or if a grandfather is the father figure. It is especially endearing as it comes from a daughter's point of view.
Eight Teardrops - Sunrise, Sunset
This song from Fiddler on the Roof is perfect for the bride with brothers and sisters. There won't be a dry eye in the family during a dance to this song.
Nine Teardrops - I Loved Her First
Thank goodness all you have to do is dance and not sing it. Anyone who has ever raised a daughter would be hard-pressed to make it through this song with dry eyes. Heartland does an amazing job of expressing the love for his daughter but still keeping the cheese factor to a minimum.
Ten Teardrops - Turn Around
There are a few versions around, but Kenny Loggins' is the best. 'Turn around and she's two, turn around and she's four, turn around and she's a young girl walking out of the door." Pass the tissues for this one, the heart-wrenching pain and pride of a father watching his beloved little girl grow is almost too much. A terrific choice for your wedding.
These are but a few of the many songs out there. Think of what is special between the two of you. It doesn't have to be traditional, it just has to have meaning, but whether you are rockin', waltzing or slam-dancing, enjoy your special dance.
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