Breastfeeding - What Lamaze and La Leche Won't Tell You
You are in your last term of pregnancy. You are planning to breastfeed your baby. You've heard all about the benefits of nursing and you are totally prepared, mind, body and spirit for this natural bonding experience.
Then you have the baby. I won't go into labour details; someone else can give you the cold hard facts about that. I'm going to give the cold hard facts about breastfeeding. This article is not intended to discourage you, in fact just the opposite. If you get all the facts up front you will be better prepared and less likely to give up.
Cold Hard Fact #1 You May Not Have Milk Right Away
It can take up to a week for your milk to come in, especially if you have a C-section. In the meantime, you have this tiny little person sucking on nipples that have nothing or little nourishment to deliver, and it hurts. Oh, you have that colostrum stuff, but that doesn't keep those brand new stomachs full. A lot of women have to supplement with formula for the first week. Don't feel like a failure and don't worry about nipple confusion. No-one who is committed to breastfeeding and had to supplement ever had an issue with nipple confusion. It may be a myth. Babies are pretty smart.
Cold Hard Fact #2 Maternity Ward Nurses are Breastfeeding Nazis
They will grab your breast against your will, push it and kneed it and try to shove it in the baby's mouth. Don't let them do this to you. Tell them that it's your body, your baby, and thanks but no thanks. It also seems that no matter how well you think you are doing, they will tell you that you are doing it wrong. Don't listen to them! Cave women figured this out, you sure can.
Cold Hard Fact #3 Engorgement Hurts Like Heck
When that milk finally does come in, it hurts, man it hurts. The girls will be rock hard and full. So full that your nipples will flatten and your poor newborn can't get a hold. You may have to express or pump some milk out just to nurse. You might also want to try a frozen cabbage leaf in each bra cup. It seems to bring a lot of comfort.
Cold Hard Fact #4 You Will Leak
Use nursing pads and don't leave home without them. Nothing is worse than being at the grocery store and seeing a big round wet circle or two down front. You also have to be prepared for squirting. Especially in the first few months when you and your baby are working out supply issues. There are few husbands of nursing moms out there who haven't been hit in the eye at some point.
Cold Hard Fact #5 Chapped Nipples are Not Sexy
And they sting! They have these great devices called nipple shields. Medela makes some good ones. Some breastfeeding organizations are against them, they say they can reduce your milk. They won't. Also, please don't spend your hard earned cash (or your hubby's) on fancy nipple cream. Chapstick works just as well as the more expensive lanolin based products.
Cold Hard Fact #6 You Will Sleep Less than Mothers Using Formula
Breast milk is easier to digest so your beautiful little bundle will be screaming for more long before her formula fed cousins. It's a price we pay for giving our kids the best.
Cold Hard Fact #8 Breastfeeding Does Not Mean you Can Eat What You Want
There is a theory that breastfeeding mothers lose weight more quickly. Maybe they do if they ate normally, but breastfeeding is hard work and nursing mothers need lots of nourishment. They are also up at all hours of the night, so there is a great tendency to indulge in extra snacks. So don't count on nursing to be your weight loss program. The best thing to do is keep a banana or granola bar in the nursery for those middle of the night feedings.
Nursing your child is one of the most natural, beautiful and rewarding things you will ever do. To have your body supply the nourishment to allow your baby to grow and flourish is one of the most amazing things you will ever experience. Don't give up when the going gets tough. And don't forget the chapstick
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