The economy may be looking up but for a lot of us things are still tough and we are still looking for ways to cut a few corners. There are some terrific, creative gifts that won't give your credit cards a workout. The best thing about these gifts is you do not need to be the least bit artsy-crafty. All you need is a little time and a little enthusiasm
1. Baked Goods
Uncle Fred and Cousin Jody will be thrilled with some homemade shortbreads or chocolate chip cookies. Especially when wrapped in pretty color tissue and placed in a pretty tin (you can get them two for a dollar at the discount stores). Total Cost: less than $15 for four dozen cookies and tins to place them in.
2. Babysitting
It may seem cliche, but for parents of newborns or toddlers, a gift of an evening of babysitting by a trusted relative is a welcome and thoughtful present. Combine this with a gift certificate for a coffee house or movie theatre and you have given them a wonderful night out for peanuts. Total Cost: $0-$18
3. Paper Mache Ornaments
This is a terrific gift for children and teens to give. All you need are a few small balloons, newspaper, flour and water mixture, hot glue gun, some greens and beads from the dollar store and an internet connection for directions. The website has good information on paper mache. Total Cost: $5-$20 for 4-6 ornaments.
4. Carwash/Detailing
Offer your services to have your relative's car all spiffed up. This is a great gift for grandparents or elderly relatives. Total Cost: $5 if using a commercial car wash
5. Scrapbook/Photo Album
This is a great gift for adult children. You can put together a scrapbook starting with their baby pictures, and go through the years adding things like report cards, art projects, certificates and awards. Your children will be touched and as a bonus you free up room in your basement. Total cost: $1-$20 for a photo album or scrapbook.
6. Jewelry
If you have a piece of jewelry that you no longer wear, consider having it cleaned and giving it as a gift. You also can take old jewelry and make it new again. For example: if you have a twenty inch gold chain you no longer wear or like, have it cut in half by a gold smith, add a clasp and you have two 10 inch anklets. Perfect gifts for daughters, nieces or cousins. Total Cost: $0-$25
7. Craigslist/Kijiji
You can find some terrific deals on these classified type websites. A lot of merchandise is brand new. It's best to keep an open mind. If you go on seeking a satin blouse for Aunt Joan, you might miss the completely equipped tackle box that Dad would love. In Canada try , and in the USA try . Total Cost: as much as you are willing to spend
8. Itunes
Make your sweetheart an album of all the songs that make him or her special. You can download tunes for $1 each at Total Cost: $10 for 10 songs
9. Poem/Photo
This is a lovely gift for a good friend. Put a fave photo of you and your friend in a nice double frame and for the other side, write a poem about friendship or look one up on the internet that defines the two of you. This is also a terrific gift for a couple, put a recent picture of them in a frame and then put a beautiful love poem in the other side. Total Cost $2-$20
10. Bathtub Basket
Want to pamper a good neighbour or sister-in-law? Go to the dollar store and get a nice basket or pretty pot and fill it with a fluffy towel, facecloth, some tiny soaps, a candle, some bath beads, a wine glass and a magazine. Most of these things can be picked up at the discount store. Total Cost: $5-$15
Gift giving doesn't need to put you in the poor house. Be creative, be enthusiastic! Anything put together with love and effort will be a gift that will be loved and appreciated and talked about for years to come.
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