Step One - If Possible, Go to a Salon
These people are the experts and they have the know-how and the expertise to fix this problem with minimum damage to your hair. However, they are expensive and time consuming. So if you can't afford the time and the money, head on to Step Two.
Step Two - Home Remedies
There are two home remedies with which people have had some success. The first one is to wash your hair five times with dog shampoo. The second is to wash your hair five times with laundry detergent. Did this work? No? Carry on to Step Three.
Step Three - Maxi-Blonde
It is now time to don that baseball cap and head out to the drug store. What you are looking for is Maxi-Blonde by Loreal. While you are there you will also want to pick out your final colour. Your best bet would be a light ash brown; anything lighter is going to go very red, anything darker and you may end up in the same position as you are in now. Do not buy red, auburn or anything with reddish or golden in its color description.
Step Four - Applying the Blonde
What you are actually doing here is stripping the hair. Apply the Maxi-Blonde to your roots first, leave on for ten minutes and then apply to the rest of your hair. When your hair turns a pumpkin shade it is time to rinse it out. Do not leave on more than 30 minutes. Don't worry about the color it is right now, you are going to color it again.
Step Five - Preparing Your Hair for the New Color
After rinsing all the Maxi-Blonde out, wash your hair twice more with a volumizing shampoo. This expands the hair shaft and gets it ready to accept the new colour. If your scalp is sore or irritated you might want to wait a day to re-color.
Step Six - Applying the Final Color
Apply in the normal manner. Do not leave on longer than recommended. Your hair may not come out perfect. It may be a tad too red or a little blotchy but chances are it will look pretty good.
Step Seven - Healing your Hair
Your hair has gone through a lot of stress getting back to a normal color, so treat it with hot oil weekly and use a daily leave-in conditioner.
If you follow these steps you should have a color you can live with, and who knows you may even be thrilled with the new color. Regardless, you will probably want to color again in three to six weeks and next time you are feeling adventurous with your hair buy a wig!
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