Sunday, December 14, 2014

Heather's Happy Family

I wrote this for a friend who simply has the most beautifully named family.  Even her mother (not in this poem) has a fairytale rhyming name.

There was a magic family full of life and good,
Their home was perched along a brook that ran deep in the woods.
They lived among the fairies, beside a double glen
Where fields and fields of heather could be counted on like friends.

Each morn this lovely family would gather berries sweet,
Then sit amongst the daisies to enjoy their juicy treat.
Laugh and skip and play they would, amongst the ancients runes,
Ne'er stopping once to catch their breath until they saw it noon.

For tea they would melt honey onto some ripened fruit,
And the little boy would charm them all, as on his horn, he'd toot.
The little girl would start to giggle and soon begin to dance,
To keep the lads from this young lass, the father had no chance.

As daytime waned into the night and stars began to shine,
The boy and girl were laid in beds that hung from fragrant vines.
Wife and Husband knew full well they lived a life of bliss,
Entwining arms and hearts and souls they shared a perfect kiss.

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