Sunday, December 7, 2014

Safeguarding Expensive Jewelry while Traveling

Is there anything quite as lovely as gold and diamond jewelry on sun-kissed skin? Vacations are a terrific time to show off your most extravagant jewels, how disappointing to have to leave them at home. You are happy and relaxed and the last thing you need to worry about is having your jewelry lost or stolen. You can take them with you. There are measures you can take to ensure that your precious baubles stay safe.

The following 10 tips will help avoid you and your jewels from parting ways.

1. Make sure they are insured under your home insurance policy and make sure that holidays are covered. There is a lot to be said about having peace of mind.

2. Take pictures before you leave and keep them in your carry-on or purse. That way if anything is lost or stolen you have pictures to give the police and hotel staff. Also, if anything shows up you have proof that it belongs to you.

3. Don't waste your money buying "camouflage" jewelry boxes like hollowed out books or make-up bottles. They really don't fool anyone and thieves know to look through these.

4. Ensure that your jewelry is in good repair before you leave. Take it to a jeweler and have him make sure all clasps are secure, your gold chains have no weak spots and the settings on your rings are good and strong. You might be a bit more athletic on your holidays and you would be heartbroken if one of your pieces fell off and was lost.

5. Don't bring pieces you likely won't wear. The more jewelry you bring, the greater your chances of losing or having a piece stolen. A good bet is to have a nice "day jewelry" set and a nice "evening jewelry" set.

6. Stay at hotels that offer vault services for your more expensive pieces. There may be a small charge for this but its well worth it.

7. Pack all jewelry in your travel-on bag or your purse. Checked luggage is notorious for going missing. Even though most luggage comes back to you eventually, you don't need to spend the first two days of your holiday in a panic worrying about your jewels.

8. Never leave your jewelry in a shoe or under your towel while you hit the surf. Remember that if you thought of hiding it there, a thief thought of looking there. Leave them in the hotel room or in the hotel vault if you are not comfortable wearing them in the ocean.

9. If buying jewelry while on holiday make sure that if you take off any of your pieces off to try on new stuff, that you hand them to a friend to hold for you. Don't leave them on the counter. Vacation spots are a haven for pickpockets just looking for an opportunity and unguarded jewelry is easy pickings.

10. Take an inventory before you leave. Make sure all of your jewelry is accounted for before leaving your hotel. It's a lot easier to look under the bed while still in the hotel than having to call two days later when you notice it's missing.

Follow these ten tips for safeguarding your expensive jewelry and you will have a terrific, worry free holiday, and when both you and your jewels are safely home your friends will all be awed by the photos of your pretty sun-kissed skin set off by your beautiful jewelry.

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